
Hello, Mile 3

Well. That sucked.

I was concerned that my jog was only taking me about 2.25-2.5 miles.

I am impatient.

I am slightly OCD.

Of course, I think I know more than Todd, the creator of my running program.

Therefore, I decided to take things into my own hands.

Last night, I jogged my normal “walk 2, jog 2” interval until I completed 3 miles. I had to prove to myself that I could do it.

It took 44 minutes. Which means that, at this rate, at the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K that I plan on running, elderly, handicapped and infants will have completed the race and will mostly likely have showered and will be napping by the time I get to the finish line. People will be sweeping the streets and Christmas decorations will be going up on street lights.

So, I guess I need to work on my time a bit.

Today my legs are jello. And the ball of my left foot hurts. I’m exhausted. And starving. (The starving thing is really nothing new, though.)

Slow but steady, right?

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