

Greg and I have been thinking about Leah's education lately. 

Not her college education.  She's going to BU in the Fall of 2026 and that's already decided, settled, and partially (very partially) funded.

No, we are talking about Pre-School. 

It should come as no surprise that Leah is a spirited child.  She likes to run and jump and skip and play.  And she's active and opinionated and likes what she likes.  One could mistaken her strong personality for being spoiled, but I tend to think she gets bored easily and needs to be kept busy and occupied.

We are hoping that she'll be in full time day care very soon.  And then, in September, I'd like to get her into a morning pre-school program a couple of days a week.  I think I started pre-school at around her age, as there are pictures of me "graduating" from somewhere when I'm two and a half.  I guess I should start calling up local places and find out if they offer morning classes.  And then I guess I should start picking up a graveyard shift, as I hear pre-school is quite expensive.  I assume we'll need to go and visit places and sit in little chairs and speak with people and ask certain questions.  I've never been through having to interview and check out facilities, so I'm not sure what to look for.

I guess we'll wing it.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, we wing it a lot of times. 

Wonder what that diploma said. 
"Dana can now eat a cookie with barely any drool--PASS!"

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